Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
The goal is to be able to solo ultimate raid. Also, when I start a ragnarok raid, most of the time I have to solo that for the first 10 mins anyway so going full offense wont work.

And if I have to, I can change ambush/sniper shot into shingen's 20 burst gauge EX skill and use hraes anyway, nothing of value is loss

Both aether and frigg have that team crit buff, which didnt stack with cybele's. So I wonder if hastur's atk buff and damage benefits me more than cybele
Uhhhhh... if by UL raid you mean using a single same team for every element, that ain't happening because you need specific utilities for ones like WaUL and DUL, and judging from what you're suggesting, you need to be aware that crit doesn't work on non-weakness targets. You're better off dropping Frigg (who has nothing else offensive other than her replaceable debuff) and bring both QB and Hastur for some effective dmg instead. But if you just wanna solo Thunder UL, then you don't need anything fancy. She's a pushover. Use whatever combination you like. Bring Hraes or Hanuman, w/e.

As for Rags, I don't know what kind of power your team is running, but if you are those who are strong enough to contribute MVP tier dmg, you shouldn't gimp yourself by taking debuffing role. Soloing the first 10 mins? It doesn't matter. You shouldn't be soloing them in the first place. More importantly, these Rags have high enough res that your debuffs are gonna miss like half the time anyway. At best, you fight long enough to ready up an FB and you stop there and wait, because once those leechers drop in, you can drop the boss at full force. (Plus, it's not like Wind doesn't have a particular strong attacker who comes with an AoE debuff.) But if you aren't one of those, then sure, just bring whatever you like. Still don't recommend soloing too many turns though. Weakening yourself before the fight even started is just not efficient.