hey everyone I'm still relatively new to the game and currently sitting at rank 53 - few questions:

  1. Is the only good experience at this point doing exp cave on expert twice a day (and spamming it Sunday's)? I don't mean to complain since this is a very grindy game by nature, but would love to know more efficient leveling if it's available.
  2. What's the difference between buffs like "attack up" vs "ability damage up" vs "water element damage up"? I'm under the impression that attack refers to general attack and ability damage up is abilities (duh) - is elemental damage just all damage source from a character of that element? Do burst attacks benefit from any of them? On a similar note, do defense down debuffs only amplify damage from basic attacks are also from abilities and whatnot? Where does damage from eidolon summons fall on all of this?