Quote Originally Posted by Yukichi View Post
Himes are the base on which to build. They are the foundation. A weapon grid is useless without a sound, battle-worthy team. Unless you feel satisfied with a team, there is no need to go out of your way for raid SR weapons of its element.

You will definitely level-up or max limit break most SSR weapons that you get for every element. They usually give you more attack power than SRs without having to skill level them. As such, you only need 9 SSR weapons of any element as a base for all grids. Thereafter, the off-element ones can be replaced by same-element SRs and SSRs you get from Advents, Raid Events and Union Events without having to farm, and that are generally better than Disaster raid ones. It's best to get and develop weapons you are sure you won't replace.

Having multiple teams will be beneficial later on if you want to challenge the more difficult content like guild order, tower events, accessory quests and ragnarok raids. You will be better equip to fight and have an easier time against more elements thus improving your results, as well as your union's standings in Union Events. You'll also have a greater variety and breadth of play. Being water main means a more difficult time with fire content as it is your weak point. Light and dark teams are slightly better suited for all events.

The wild card here is the 100% eidolons. Owning one means dealing as much damage as having elemental advantage against every element. If a lot of friends have the same one, you may count on often having 2 which means dealing more damage than having elemental advantage and a 100% eido. However, in both cases, the exception remains fighting the opposite element. Also, you will still receive more damage than having a team with elemental advantage. Having a good team to go with it remains essential.

Ultimately, the number of teams you have will depend on which himes you get and on how much time you want to dedicate developing teams. As you grow, you will see all the possibilities the game has to offer. You'll become fully aware of what you can do, see what brings you enjoyment and decide what is right for you.
I have some misgivings about the advice you're giving here. Particularly concerning to me is the "only need 9 SSR weapons of any element as a base for all grids" line. Events are on rotation at a rate of 10 days per event, so if he were starting from zero, you are advising him to wait... 1.5~3 months to get a base of off-element SSR's? That's definitely not the right mentality to have, especially considering he might have trouble even just getting all the weapons he has to MLB now.

I've seen a lot of people advise to only "develop weapons you are sure you won't replace." Perhaps you mean this for off-element, but it can also be taken as reasoning for not swapping in a complete, on-element grid with Catastrophe Assault (M) SR's. This is frankly bad practice, because new players often have trouble even clearing content in the first place. The first hurdle is getting a grid to the point where you can comfortably do casual content like advents and raid events and get all the rewards, and the second is getting through Wave 3 of GO.

The number one thing a new player needs to do once they can AAB gem quest is to start the gemcha cycle:
  1. Turn on "Auto-Sell N Weapons" and "Auto-Sell N Eidolons"
  2. Farm over 110,000 gems from Gureilla Gem Quests.
  3. Roll Gem Gacha 1100 times a day.
  4. Use R fodder to skill level SR weapons.
  5. Use elixirs from gemcha to farm more gems.
  6. Repeat.

And for some reason, we don't talk about this when we tell new players how to get strong. Think about how many skill levels for an SR weapon you can go up every day, especially early. This is how you get a serviceable grid quickly so that you can start clearing content ASAP. Himes are not your limiting factor early on, it's your grid which severely hampers both damage and health.

Every single day, a new player need to do gemcha and upgrade the grid of his 'main' element (the one he rerolled for). To do this, he needs weapon targets for him to upgrade. So that means getting the Raid Quest SR weapons, because these are the only ones he can get reliably without waiting months at a time. That means he needs to start leeching Catastrophe Ragnaroks ASAP, get multiple copies of these disaster raid Assault (M) weapons to MLB, and immediately slot them into his grid so that he can clearing content.

If that player is running light or dark as their 'main' element, working on your next element is not a top priority. But if you're any of the elements with a weakness, you definitely want a second element to be serviceable ASAP. Again, this is another reason to leech more raids and get SR weapons to MLB. And in any case, for free players, they will definitely hit a wall with upgrading their 'main' element grid and need to branch out.

At this point, I feel like a new thread should be dedicated specifically for in-depth beginner advice that tells them how to start the gemcha cycle, how to upgrade grids (and why it's important), how to farm soul points (and everything else) from advents, how to participate in guild order, how to do missions, how to start farming regalia, how to do UE's, how to use the shop, how to do accessory quests, and how to farm limit break materials.