Quote Originally Posted by Kuredo View Post
Alright, first of there is no such thing as an "Ultra-team" or "Perfect", against Fire UL or Light ULs i use my Light meta burst team since i can wipe them in about 2 minutes, against a Dark Guardian i bring Light Hermes - (Lugh if there are other Andromedas with me) or Light Tsukuyomi - Metis - Michael, against something like AQ7 i remove Light Tsukuyomi for someone like Tish or Atum. But you should be able to get the point
Secondly, you seem to have this idea that simply a full meta SSR team will get you into the whale tier .No one team can work against everything and no one team can cover everything. The whales you see on DMM are defined by the extent that they got their grid to mainly being phantom grids with hime-himeless weapons and their eido grid are a couple kaisers - guardians. Hell i can even testify as having 3 himes for the burst meta and i'm only doing mediocre (5-6M ish non PF FBs) damage because guess what? I only have the grid of a f2p

Most Light Hime has the concept of either being able to perform their own niche amazingly well or just simply multi tasking at a good level. Raphael - Lugh - Sol - Metatron - Kanako(I can't recall her actual jap name)- Light Athena all does their own thing supremely well, while others like Michae (with her AW)-Tish-Eros (with her recent AW) hell even Atum after her rebalance can multi task as a healer -support - damage ability teams

Oh and nice cherry picking out my arguement about Valentine's Baal. She has no place in the perfect meta burst team for dummies or shit that already has people filling her spot, not that she doesn't fit anywhere in the use of Light teams
Thanks for the advice. That was useful. Did you come up with the list yourself?

I have Herc, Kanako (ahem), Mike, L. Athena, Iris // Metis, Sati
Tish just dropped for me while trying to pull for Val Baal. I have Herc Axe and no Shingen and no Lugh so she will be in the back row for now.
I am using the 40% elem. atk. BG up eid.
I noticed that 16/20 of the top teams for dummy GO3 are using Shingen, Mike, Lugh, Iris, Tish. I had doubts at first but I guess the numbers don't lie? So I suppose that Val Baal is more useful for the time being but Tish is more like a long term investment if you intend to MT Lugh.