Hey everyone,

I'm getting close to 50k atk rating and am now at a point where I can clear AQ4 fairly easily so I want to start working on my accessories but I'm still a bit confused by enhancing. From Sanahtlig's Toolbox, I'm seeing for SSR I should use 20SR to lv 32, 8 same-element SR20 + 7 same element SR25 + 3 same element SR23 + 2 SR20 to max level. Am I looking at the right section/is this still optimal? How does using Enhance Material change this?

As for the actual effects, I've just been looking out for Def/Atk/HP, Affliction rate up for debuffers, and item drop rate for farming - is there anything else really worth keeping an eye out for? With the new series effects, does it matter which type/unique I go for? +15% combo atk rate for tiara seems really good.

Thanks in advance!