Quote Originally Posted by tranhi123 View Post
Hmm, just switch from full assault grid (133%) to Phantom axe grid (114%), base dmg change from 45185 to 48769. But after do the math like your example I see my result for new grid is lower than the old one. (105281 vs 104366)

So the increasing base dmg from Phantom buff is not enough to cover the lost in dmg for 2 slot Assault++.
Yeah, because Phantom Axes aren't Assault. That's why people want Glaive/Hammer/Lance/Bow Grids. Since you get both Assault AND the base damage.

That said, for me, the Phantom Axe is about +-0 damage when compared to to a ~2200 Assault(++) slvl20 weapon, so I basically get 20 skill levels of Elaborate(++) and Exceed(++) for "free." Not sure how the Phantom Axe will compare to a FLB Hammer from the next Envy, though.