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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by Quarters View Post
    Argo has recommended I take my questions to the forums, so here I am. I'm looking to make my Lightning team worth a damn as it's practically my weakest team. I've just managed to obtain enough Regalia for a Soul Weapon, and am curious what I should spend it on. A long time ago, I purchased Charles' Thunder Blaster, though that was probably because that was all that was out at the time.
    Nowadays, I have much better Hime and every Soul except Shingen. With only 90/600 HSP, she's not going to be available for a long time.

    My current set up (I swear I didn't mean to pun like that!) is Arthur, Marduk, Raiko, Tyr (Awakened), and Gryla; with [Thunder Witch] Michael and Thor in reserve. Arthur has Olean Call, though I don't know why, it's been a while since I've used this team. Main Eidolon is a 1star Kirin, and my Grid is shit.

    Kamihime General Discussion + Q&A-thunderweapongrid.png
    Kamihime General Discussion + Q&A-thunderweaponssrs.png

    According to my brother, I'll have to work on those SSR weapons even if they don't have and breaks in them. In fact, I'll pay more attention and do that for all my teams.

    So basically, what I'd like to know is:

    1. If I should buy a new Soul Weapon, maybe for Mordred or Andromeda, or should I break the one I have for D'Art?
    2. Should I stick with Gryla for heals or bring in Andromeda or the Sol I just got from this last MTick?

    With Marduk, Raiko and Tyr you're fairly fast (even possibly Shingen fast). I'd replace Gryla with Thor (paralysis) and just take the hits. You should run Hercules with her Axe (at the least) and work to limit breaking that. It'll get you -25% DEF (which you're missing right now).

    As recommended to your brother, any SSR weapon with both Assault/Defender should be leveled and also skill raised immediately. That means Raiko's and Marduk's are the first you should go for. An awesome choice is Raiko's; it gives Assault++/Pride which is all offense! Raise that shit first. Your team should benefit greatly just from that.

    If you really need some healing, you can give Hercules Perdu lab and hope that keeps you going. Or use Orlean Call, but I wouldn't use Andromeda as your base soul. She'll slow you down and keep getting you killed. You need a soul that's fast in your first slot. That's either Shingen or Hercules. And either soul weapon is a solid long term investment.


    P.S. As above, MTix for Baal Unleashed for your 4th slot. Screw healing and just go all assault with Lightning.
    Last edited by Dejnov; 03-31-2019 at 11:06 PM.

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