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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by Cobblemaniac View Post

    They... aren’t really that goo-

    Kamihime General Discussion + Q&A-d16ac8c1-23d8-4961-b3fd-1d6a7bf5755e.jpeg
    Lol. Not disagreeing that there are other OP himes but as a light main, I feel like I need to defend the honor of light a little here =P

    Light's main advantage is versatility, not DPS. It is possible to literally use light for everything - not optimal but possible (e.g. AAB all AQ5 with just light, think that is hard to do for when you have elemental disadvantage.) When it's light vs dark, I think light wins pretty handily. When it's light vs having 2 elements, light can still hold its own when there's no elemental advantage, but yes, when it's light vs having 4 elements, light loses easily.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cobblemaniac View Post
    Light doesn’t have a good enough damage cut for one.
    Agreed, this is the weakest part of light's kit imo.

    Have you ever tried using light in TRag and observe how easily they explode? Thunder and wind have options to cover that where light doesn’t.
    Lol, I actually run my light team against TRag and VMVP every now and then. I don't have light Athena, so Eros + Sol with ton of ascension is my answer to TRag. Not optimal, but can live long enough to not be dead weight.

    Does light have absurd orb eating like water does?
    Haven't played water in a while, but Shamash has orb eat on burst, and in an optimal light team, she can burst like every few turns or less. Not sure if that's absurd, but it's not bad I think?

    Or does it have the team dmg buffing capabilities of Azzy or TPhro Marduk?
    No, but Mike AW lets you burst like crazy fast when combined with Shingen and one or two fast light hime. Also, Azzy AW is just broken, cannot disagree there

    Those are the questions, while I’ve already proven that dmg wise other elements compare. And in cases, even outdamage.
    Yes, light is not the hardest-hitting, it can be easily tailored to whatever situation you're dealing with to often make up for that though. That of course, assumes you have the himes to do it. Light isn't that f2p friendly 'cos you need a lot of the himes for the versatility to really show. But if you're going to just main one element, light is not a bad choice.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by dreamlitz View Post
    Lol. Not disagreeing that there are other OP himes but as a light main, I feel like I need to defend the honor of light a little here =P
    Quite the opposite, dream. Nobody's trying to discredit Light here. Rather, we are trying to not bloat Light more than what it is in reality and discrediting the other elements like a certain somebody else here is doing.

    See, when you say Light has versatility as advantage not DPS, you're not thinking endgame. There is a reason why Thunder is currently (and has been for a long time already) considered the most powerful element on DMM right now. Thunder, while not the most versatile element in terms of kit, they still very high up in terms of versatility and most importantly, they have the 'right' versatility. Just look at their party wide assets: BG via Raiko's Zeal, Barrier + Pursuit from Marduk AW (who also deals extra dmg via Echo), THE most powerful healer in game aka DianCecht, refreshable 30% Dmg cut (+ 20% Water cut) via Raiko AW, Affliction Shield on top of a Guaranteed 30% debuff from Samael and most recently, Passive DATA up from Bride Arianrhod's unique gimmick. All of which, have excellent balance of offense and defense for longevity in raids while maintaining high and consistent dmg. The best part, most of these buffs do not require micro as much as Light units do. And if you want some spike dmg for Tower/Dummy scoring, just slap in NewYear Afro with her Party vigor, or Nuwa for her party Crit + dmg cap up (with party DATA for burst effect on top), or super attacker like Perkele (Instant Burst + 200 Burst Gauge + Self Super mode that gives her 200% dmg and other stuff.) These are combinations that Light team simply does not have or able to compete in. Speed is the only thing Light has over Thunder, and that balances out in a way that Light will always be able to hold their own ground as fights drag out by being consistent. But when another's Thunder team is also able to hold their own and charge headstrong through all the enemy mechanics, Light loses out in the long run.

    Also, you mentioned holding your own ground against TCat as Light, but then will you be able to do more than just VMVP? At least back in my days before TCat got nerfed, other players Wind team aside, I found the hardest teams to race against to be not Light or Fire, but Thunder, with Wind being my 2nd strongest element after Light.

    p.s. Before you attempt the 'Light can be played as single element' argument, I'll just inform you that... a couple Thunder baka that I know over here simply just brute force through Wind raids.... and still do enough dmg to MVP (50~70m dmg).
    Last edited by Bear; 07-30-2019 at 11:56 AM.

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