Quote Originally Posted by Argo View Post
Until I bought the first lance yesterday, I had NO Wind Soul weapons at all. I'm not overstating how suddenly I got all of these winds - it went from my worst team to having huge potential ridiculously fast. My Light grid is doing pretty fine, so I'm shifting focus to boosting what few wind weapons I have now. It'll take a few weeks, but I'll get there.
Just curious, how many SSR weapons do you have that you can eventually MLB/FLB without bricks for light and wind? It's generally better to focus on one element and max it out first, since one strong team can help you clear a lot more content than two mediocre teams. You mentioned you have hraes but no fluffy, so being a wind main rather than light main is not a bad idea at all, unless you have like nothing in wind (if you were around since Pazuzu though, you should have quite a few wind weapons lying around if you didn't skip any events.)

Do you think I should swap out the SRs for some non-MLB SSRs?
Yes, it looks like all your wind SSRs are LB3 or better anyway. That's definitely better than SRs unless they provide a very specific skill that is needed for some reason. This is especially the case if you use Shingen - SSR burst multipliers are higher than SR.

I do have Ascension on at least the Tornado Lance. She's there since I don't really have any healing otherwise, just Gaia or Poseidon's regens. I always feel iffy about not having a healer, and this team probably won't be ready to just burst stuff down for a while since my grid's underpowered, not to mention how I haven't really touched Wind accessories either. There's a lot of room for improvement, and it'll take time.
A few things - one, you don't have to use a team while you're building up its grid, just use light for now until your grid is leveled up.

Two, I'm not against healing, but for harder content, healing without any additional dmg mitigation and/or decent amount of ascension is usually inferior to a more offensive build. Healers buy you time while attackers kill things faster so you don't need to be healed at all. Heal works really well when combined with other dmg mitigation such as atk down and dmg cut, 'cos effectively each heal buys you a lot more time - this is analogous to how offense works better if you can debuff the enemies and/or buff yourself right before FB, so things die quickly. A lot of times though, I see ppl just randomly throwing in a healer into the mix without thinking about synergy, and that usually works out poorly.

Three, if you intend to play defensive, putting your primary healer and dmg mitigation in sub is a bad idea. Endurance builds work best when you have the endurance skills working starting at full health rather than when most of your team is mostly dead. E.g. if the enemy averages 2000 dmg/turn and you have 10k hp, you'll last 5 turns, if combined with atk down/dmg cut/heal, you cut the average dmg down to 1000 dmg/turn, you'll last 10T - buying you 5T. However, if you put your endurance himes in sub, and they come on when everyone else is at say 2k health, they only buy you 1T. If you go endurance route, you should generally have all your endurance himes in main not in sub. One exception is if you can control who dies first and transition from an offensive to more defensive build - e.g. sometimes I put Takeminakata in main and Sol AW in sub - I purposely FB before boss OD so Take is without swords and dies easily, then Sol comes on and heals up everyone else. These situations are pretty rare though.