Quote Originally Posted by Jessa View Post
Hello guys, another newbie here.

My current main team is light with Take (yeah, she's godsend for new players =)) (got her twice 0_O), Diana, Forseti (got her twice too...), and Mordred with soul wep on HP.
As you can see, i'm hardly lacks team-wide heal there (Take and Diana have self-heal tho), so i'm currently running Buer as heal, and Bastet in sub to raise her HP even a least. Another possibility is Cassi, but without Mordred's wep HP falls significantly, so no.
Mordred definitely becomes obsolete there, since i've replacement almost for all her debuffs (except VoF). Planning to get Dart for Sniper Shot now, and then? Andro or Joan, i'm not sure...

Sorry for a wall of text.
It's hard to give strong feedback without your full team, eido and alternate Hime options. You can easily summarize your weapons (%Attack, %Exceed, etc.), but it's really hard to determine the right Soul without more detail in what you have and lack.

The safest choices are Mordred, Hercules, and Shingen (in that priority for a new player), but there are other souls that can be useful.
