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  1. #1
    I'm sure there are others here that can answer this better than I can, so please correct me if I'm wrong.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shuckle View Post
    1. Of the four primary elements with 140% eidolons, are any of them substantially better or worse than the others?
    Well it somewhat depends on if you are planning to sink any money into this game. From an F2P standpoint, Hanuman > Leviathan >> Nidhoggr > Cereberus. If you are planning to spend a bit, then I'm not sure it matters as much. It's mostly just preference.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shuckle View Post
    2. I am currently under the impression that a Managarmr + Core SSR Light hime roll would be almost as good (but not quite) as a 140% + Core matching SSR roll, is this true?
    Sort of. Light is currently one of the stronger elements despite not having a 140% eidolon because of its insane kamihime synergy (Lugh - Tish - Iris - Mike). It also benefits from having no weaknesses, meaning that you can hard focus on light without any issues. However, I'm not sure if I would consider a Managarmr + core SSR reroll to be "better" because I feel that you need the kami synergy to make it on par with a 140% eido + core SSR reroll. Although I'm not a light main, so take it with a grain of salt.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shuckle View Post
    3. I also heard that dark is (in general) the weakest element at the moment and that even with a core SSR to match, Anubis probably isn't optimal; is this also true, or should I go with my Amon[U]/Anubis roll?
    Yeah, dark right now currently feels a bit underpowered right now (sorry Yukarichan ). However, with additions like Nefertem and Thanatos AW, dark will be getting quite a bit stronger in the future. So I guess it depends on if you are willing to wait until dark gets stronger and if you are willing to mtix those stronger kamis once they are released.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shuckle View Post
    4. I am struggling to determine which himes are "core" for the primary elements. I know some of the "best of the best" from reading through this thread and recent discord conversations, but beyond the obvious Michael/Cu Chulainn, how do I go about determining if a "hundo" with a matching element SSR hime is good enough to keep?
    This is a quick list that I compiled of core kamis that are currently in the gacha pool...
    (loosely ordered)
    Fire: Fire Frey, Vahagn, Svarog, Fire Mammon, Uriel, BFM Amon
    Water: Cthulhu, Vohu Manah, Shiva
    Wind: Azazel, Cybele U, Cu Chulann, Gaia/Frigg
    Thunder: Baal U, Dian Cecht, Raiko, Marduk
    Light: Michael, Iris, Tishtrya, Lugh, Eros
    Dark: Nefertem, Satan, Susanoo, Amon U

    There isn't really a specific formula or method to show if a kami is strong or not. It's more of something that you can pick up on as you start to test what abilities work well and what abilities are trash. Generally speaking though, any kamihime with a 30% elemental resist debuff is generally core. Other than that though, it's difficult to say.
    Last edited by Modsyl; 03-16-2020 at 12:04 PM.

  2. #2
    I've been working on my water grid and farming the guardian raids as suggested here and traded in 20 of the treasures for the axe. I'm now at 30 treasures again and wondering if it'd be better to get the second axe to 1 star it or get the lance instead. For reference, I'm still using 4 raid SR weapons in the water grid. I'm not sure what the better decision would be since each copy of a weapon I purchase keeps getting more expensive until it resets for the month.

  3. #3
    Do you have any phantom weapons?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Jessa View Post
    Do you have any phantom weapons?
    Actually got my first copies yesterday. Just one glaive and one gun.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Modsyl View Post
    Well it somewhat depends on if you are planning to sink any money into this game. From an F2P standpoint, Hanuman > Leviathan >> Nidhoggr > Cereberus. If you are planning to spend a bit, then I'm not sure it matters as much. It's mostly just preference.
    I am curious as to what you base this on. Wind, so far, has had absolutely awful F2P Grids, down there with Fire. Meanwhile, Dark has an extremely strong F2P grid, which makes Dark damn strong despite being weakest in the "omg I have every SSR Hime ever!!!" meta. Which is the meta that people keep talking about...

    But, for a new player, that doesn't really count. It's not like you're going to get all those Envy Axes and Hammers, because fuck you.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
    I am curious as to what you base this on. Wind, so far, has had absolutely awful F2P Grids, down there with Fire.
    Well since old UE weapons have disappeared for the remainder of this year, I have found that guardian weapons are the strongest F2P weapons that are currently accessible. If we are making a grid solely out of guardian weapons, wind has the best one with a Bethor glaive grid with 5 Bethor glaives, a phantom glaive, and 3 Bethor bows for exceed. Given, I didn't really consider the pool of event MLBs and FLBs, so that could change the order around a bit.

  7. #7
    Mirai, just keep 5 sr glaives + phanthom, and other places fill up with guardians'. As you already got hammer, keep uypping it for now, or you can get things slowly and economically by getting lance for now, and getting other lance and hammer in next month and so on. It mostly depends on how actively you playing, actually, both lance and hammer are good weps (though in the end you'll probably prefer to run lances' grind)

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Mar 2020
    Thank you very much for the input Jessa & Modsyl. I just hit Hanuman + Cybele U and I'm quite happy with that. The grind is over - now I can begin the grind. I think I will also go ahead and grab Cu Chulainn with the new player miracle ticket.

    I wont be using the rerolls I listed earlier so if anyone wants one, shoot me a PM. I also got a second unpaired Nidhoggr and an Anubis + Kali before hitting my target, so those are up for grabs too. Fair warning though, I think a couple of my old saved rolls got purged so no guarantees they still work.

    For anyone else who wants to try this - be warned, it takes FAR more rerolls than you might expect. It took me almost a week of multiple hours each day.
    Last edited by Shuckle; 03-17-2020 at 05:19 AM.

  9. #9

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    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Shuckle View Post
    For anyone else who wants to try this - be warned, it takes FAR more rerolls than you might expect. It took me almost a week of multiple hours each day.
    Well, it takes 420k Jewels per ONE P2W Eidolon. And you're only looking at 4/11 chance for a 140% one. 1.1m Jewels per P2W. So that's 1/192.5 rerolls? And THEN you intend to land on one good SSR as well, for which the odds are minimal.

    Honestly, you were probably lucky to get what you wanted this soon.

    Also, reminder of the 30 buck mini-Miracle Ticket for new players which will net you Gaia. While Gaia is a pure defensive Hime, she does an amazing job at some content. Now, should you sink 80 bucks into a game you've only just started is up to you.

    (And if you haven't bought Cu yet, Azazel Awakened is stronger than Cu Awakened. But the thing is, Azazel pre-Awakening is trash, and after Awakening boosts your team, which won't be top tier until much later anyway so... Cu isn't a BAD choice either.)

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Mar 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
    Also, reminder of the 30 buck mini-Miracle Ticket for new players which will net you Gaia.
    Thanks for the reminder - I assume then that this particular new player miracle ticket has a limited selection, but I can't seem to find a list on the wiki of which ones are available. Do you know where I could find that? Edit: Found it on the Japanese wiki, never mind!

    Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
    [I]f you haven't bought Cu yet, Azazel Awakened is stronger than Cu Awakened.
    I haven't yet - thanks, I'll consider that. I should also thank you for the "What Souls should I use" thread, among other posts with lots of detail. I've learned a lot from reading your contributions to this forum.
    Last edited by Shuckle; 03-17-2020 at 11:36 AM.

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