Quote Originally Posted by sanahtlig View Post
It's part of the business model. The game is designed to push you at every turn to spend money. By giving players a sense that there's too much to do and too little AP to do it, it nudges players to spend on elixirs in the cash shop. Whenever you see a game design decision that seems to inconvenience players, stop and consider: how would this affect cash shop usage?
I'm more just wondering why they choose to go this path instead of following the path many other DMM/Nutaku games have taken. I mean I haven't played all of them obviously but the majority of the ones have played and seen on Nutaku, rewards like event units (their fully unlocked versions) were obtainable if you put enough time into the game on a daily basis. The problem with this game is it seems more reliant on forcing players to wait for the reprint event. I'm not sure how much difference the exchange rates change in the future but even a paying playing would have to spend a couple hundred of dollars a month just to get everything worth getting, which I can't even see them doing.