So I started playing after both eilodons were released, so I don't have either, I have a fire main team but a decent all SR+ team in all other elements; I have Echidna for fire/dark so I don't really need Apocalypse for her bonus, but I only have a 1 star behemoth for light bonus. That makes me lean towards getting Phoenix, but the Japanese wiki says that Apocalypse has higher base stats when MLB, which makes me think she'd be the better choice in the long run. I already have more than a full team of SSR eilodons however (1 star Jabberwock, 1 star Behemoth, Echidna, Takemikezuchi, 2 star Crom, MLB Ixion, and MLB Quetzalcoatl). Also should mention I have Sol, so a dual light/thunder bonus would be useful.

Assuming I can only go for one of the two eilodons during the revival, which should I choose?