Quote Originally Posted by MagicSpice View Post
well, given what i've got, i'll have to find out what's been uploaded and see if i got any matches...

I'm looking at nearly 100 kami, about 50 eidolons, and all but roughly 3 souls right now...

also not sure if anyone is posting storyline scenes too, cause I got all the way through storyline and i'm sure others have too.

plus, i do know that other sites have posted the censored version. i can get the links to that massive MEGA zip collection as it's supposedly up to date with the DMM side
from my last check i did earlier, whats missing is: Lilim Avaritia, Nataku (found the files for both of them, so will work on upload tomorrow), Eros and Kirin.

As for the storyline quests, they arent included in the tool as they are all accessible for free with a bit of playing, think that was the reasoning for it