Quote Originally Posted by Kitty View Post
k well i'm almost certain i did it before.. i quit the battle before i died, and there was nothing saying i couldn't join it again .. sorry if i'm wrong
didn't say anything at all about cheating battles or w/e... i know that you can't just refresh and try again, cause it takes up AP... i'm ONLY referring to the ragnarok battle which cost 0 AP, so if it was possible, you could try again if you'd quit before you died completely and that counts as a loss rather than give up.
I won't deny and say that you're wrong because I personally haven't tried it. (Will try it on my alt account the following event).
But based on my assumption, what probably happened for you is that you started the Ragna run not long before the daily login resets. And if you quit/succeed that run, you can still immediately go for a second run due to the ragna reset.

That is why after every maintenance for a new Advent event patch, people tend to rush onto the game during the first few hours of patching an Advent to finish a Ragna. That way by the time login bonuses resets again on that very same day, you get another shot at a Ragna run.