Quote Originally Posted by CaptainNoobCN View Post
well, i'm starting to be unsure about how to battle ragnarok level.
at first, i've thought to use mordred as soul for all the debuff, but maybe arc will work better with her cut damage skill?
if i go with mordred i'll have 2 def debuff which will help me to get to deal damage, and with arc i'll i may be able to survive longer.
but if i do pick up arc, should i go with sniper shot for attack and def debuff or black propaganda?
also, i decided to replace my baal for gaia and to use perun as well for cut damage abilities as well.
so main team will be mordred/arc, tyr,gaia, perun and ramiel in the front, but not sure which other 2 to put in my sub team
If you're going to run Ramiel, doesn't the Charm/Dazzle/whatever debuff work fairly hard against Jeanne's "take less damage this turn" skill? I mean, usually it's a very handy skill to slow down the amount of damage a boss deals, but it can make you waste your survival abilities.