Finally got Tish from gacha! So my question now is, would I want to MTix Mich now?

My Light grid is kinda bad right now. Only MLB SSR weapons I have are the 2 from Nandi. My hime SSRs that are remotely worth mentioning... are Tsuku's bow(seems useless unless I can FLB...) and SSRarty gun(also seems useless with triple atk) at LB0. I do have a brick, but that is probably best used on Mich's lance first once I get her...
Another issue is I don't have Shingen yet(which I won't have until around July), so I'm stuck with Herc. I do have Andro's LB0 HP weapon which I dumbed out and grabbed but I doubt I'll want to invest in it?
Another issue I'll have right now is the lack of T2 grimoires so I won't be able to awaken Mich asap but this should be fine after another event or two.
I do have fluffy and a eidolon brick to makes things better though.

So with the above in mind, should I MTix Michael now for a team that's a lot weaker or would you guys recommend I get Uriel(or even Svarog but since I have Fire Amon/Mars/Ares AW, Uriel seems better?) first so that I can get a stronger team even stronger for now. Reason I am still considering fire: UE in July for 2 more weapons, and that's roughly when my Light team can actually get going(bricks from tower in between+Shingen). Of course this is only if Lugh is not available for next MTix, but I could grab Michael now and Sol(mainly for her cleanse, not heal which is also welcomed) next ticket.