Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
You're not necessarily wrong, but we have one more MT before that, I believe. So you're talking about planning eight months beforehand, AND assuming that Nutaku will follow suite with the limiteds available in Miracle Tickets.

So, not entirely sure you should advice this. Again, you might be correct, but you paint a little bit too optimistic of a picture.Well, it's not like Jupiter is much better, either. Basically you're either taking Jupiter's -20% Rage gauge OR Thor's minimal chance to instantly win pretty much any fight.
Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I’m a optimistic person hehe and his next tick should be Dian anyway. Btw Jupiter not only have -20% rage gauge, she also have 5/8t 20% party ele buff and a 30% BG skill for herself that help her (kinda) hold the 3rd slot behind Mardurk and reduce 1t toward FB. I think that’s enough to use her over Thor
Doesn't replacing jupiter/thor nerf my damage output? I was under the impression (reading the project google doc) that with thunder - also my only team - my go-to would be to just stack damage. Not to mention that I was finally able to have a decent go at the Ultimate summons and, if thor's paralyze stuck (misses about 90% of the time for me), could solo it. Thus, my initial idea was to replace Raiko with more damage or utility - was eyeing Karin, Baal, or Marduk in that order - with Raiko in my reserve.
I'm happy to defer to those more experienced but I can't understand why I would try to build for endurance fights when, from my limited experience, thunder appears to do exactly the opposite. Seems counterintuitive is all.

I feel like I should also mention again that I'm a strictly casual player in this. My game time is maybe an hour per week. I'm not looking for endgame or leaderboards, perfectly content sitting in the middle. This is also only the second time I've paid for a MTicket. Didn't feel obliged to pick one up the last two times. So there's no guarantee of me buying the next.
Also, since anon brought it up, I do have the 100% elemental eidolon for thunder. Also exclusively running D'Artagnan with Orlean Call as my 4th ability, again, for the above mentioned reasons of "well, it lets me kill things faster before problems crop up."