Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Don’t compare Amon with Uriel and Svarog, they do different things, Amon with her 20% assault and 50% ele buff increase the FB dmg by ~30%. And her 20% party BG is fucking amazing because you don’t have to rely on shitty Shingen’s combo rate in the first cycle. The 20% cut is a nice bonus too
^ this. I won't comment on those numbers, but Uri is a main attacker, while Svarog is for slow ramp up damage. The point of Amon is to accelerate the team to critical mass. The nuke damage is just a bonus; her main role is to act as a bridge between normal and PF FB's. Her weakness is that she doesn't have any personal BG up steroids, but we're talking about Fire, almost all the other good units accelerate themselves, hence why letting her be the slowest member is ideal. Her worth is without question, and she's already a core fire unit to veteran fire mains.