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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by AutoCrimson View Post
    Rahab dont worth it. Wait till Vritra
    idk, for now my standard eido roster is +40%/20% (if that particular team not surpassed the threshold), +30% burst eido, +45%/40% elem (put it on first IF team has surpassed) and Yata

    for weapon, yes. its assault, so rahab knife is very worth to get
    >Wait till Vritra
    Wait, wait, wait. What? They are both as bad as the other. Rahab should be preferred if you really want to make a choice between the two be it sub or main, as she has better stats (unless you want to focus on having more HP for whatever reason). That +30% burst you're talking about only adds to the burst streak, and not to the individual bursts, so that little use of it would only be seen at burst time.
    40/20 eidos & elemental eidos are to be preferred in general depending on the advancement of your grid.
    Last edited by nonsensei; 02-28-2018 at 01:30 PM.

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