Quote Originally Posted by Kotono View Post
Hey guys, sorry about not being able to really keep up with everything that goes on. I've always had to simply rely on being informed by others when a problem arises. This is not the only site I have to run, either. So of course attention gets divided quite a bit, including with my other activities as well.

That said, unregistered posting was something I decided to allow on a temporary basis - until it started becoming abused. It sounds to me like it may be time for it to be turned off, and now it is - for Kamihime forum.

Also, should anyone like to volunteer to moderate KH discussions, then please feel free to send me a message to request for it. It is always better for someone with more of an understanding of what is happening to moderate rather than myself who just enters when looking for someone causing trouble.

I hear HBC forum has a bad rep, and that's very unfortunate. This is something I'd like to correct.

Discussions are all well and good. Disagreements are fine, as they are unavoidable. Arguments can and will start as a result. However, as soon as it escalates to insults, the discussion should be over and offenders dealt with. Do NOT retaliate with more insults.
Thank you for the prompt response. Now that we know we have administrative support, we can start looking at the reforms required to tackle this issue. My greatest worry was that we could discuss this all day, but without the power to implement any structural changes, we'd be powerless to do anything except ask people to 'play nice'. Which is usually little more than a temporary band-aid.

Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered user View Post
So, technically, a few registered ones start a fight in this forum and the ones that get punished are the unregistered... That's quite interesting. And no, I'm not a second account to troll, was an unregistered a few minutes ago because I dont think you have to identify yourself to ask something, read the forum or even say an opinion without log in everytime.
No one is being punished. An unregistered user can become a registered user in under 5min. It's just a little less convenient for people who want to post once or twice and move on, rather than become part of the community. And that's a plus because we want to motivate people to become invested in the community, rather than simply come here to exchange ideas.

(paraphrased) The internet is a toxic place. And there's nothing to be done about it.
I disagree. Something has been done about it. And I hope we continue to strive to make this a place where everyone can be comfortable sharing their ideas--even controversial ones--without being persecuted. We can't control what people do off this site, but we can at least strive to make this a place for friendly discussion--and yes--disagreements. Every disagreement doesn't need to be two sides trying to discredit the other by any means necessary.