Alright, upon request - I have appointed Laventale with the ability to moderate discussion and, if needed, issue bans.

For now, I think there is still room for one more mod should anyone else want to accept the role.

Quote Originally Posted by gibberish View Post
My opinion on the overall matter however, is that people are taking this far too out of proportion, but of course, in the end, my opinion probably doesn't matter since I'm just a random lurker forced to make an account just to post my thought.
All I have done so far is what has been asked of me, both in PMs and in posts. There have been numerous cases of people taking advantage of being anonymous (at least, to those who can't see IP address) to do what they want. And it is not something that affects only this one forum area, all of them are subject to the same treatment.
Regardless, this does not mean the ability will never be restored. It is a privilege allowed as long as it is not abused, and discussions can be kept on a reasonable tone without interference from guest posters looking to cause problems.
I will leave the final decision up to the mod team - even if it is only one person for now. If he gives me the OK to turn it back on, then sure.

If people have opinions to share with me on this or any other matter, then please feel free. Openly or via PM are both fine. You can even use the "Contact Us" link in the footer, for those that don't want to register.
We also have the discord link that is in my signature. Can talk to me from there as well.