Why do you guys get so bothered with what stupid things 1 low lvl/rank troll says? Any new player who decides not to re-roll even while knowing about it, obviously aren't serious about the game and will probably quit in a month or so anyway. While any serious new player will realize the importance of it by themselves eventually. The re-roll thread linked in these forums explains it pretty thoroughly already, so there's no point hashing over the same topic since you can just direct new players there. In the past when there were no 100% eidos, it might have not been as important for new players (hell, I never re-rolled myself since I never knew about it until much later); but nowadays any new players who fail to re-roll are only gimping themselves in the end, considering how far behind the curve they already are by missing all the other content so far. A 100% eido basically helps to put them on par for course since they're starting so late, and if they want to skip that for whatever dumb reason, well more power to them for wanting to play the game on hard mode I guess.