Quote Originally Posted by MagicSpice View Post
While Sol isn't my most favorite girl in the game (that goes to dakki), Sol is one of the best in the game for those reasons...

given our current content, she still does a huge number on a lot of fights, making them far easier to manage... I already have mine to lv35 with 2 breaks... I'm making a bee-line to leveling her as much as possible due to how epic her kit is....

heck, i'm also getting awakened Svarog on her way to lv80 as well. she already has her breaks... unless you're fighting water, awakened Svarog can still greatly help non-fire teams too. she could be the push my water team needs cause they're lacking the damage department (seriously, i'm flooded with healers and cleansers... my water team needs buffers and debuffers badly)

and yeah, my first miracle gacha was aimed at her too. i knew how strong she was from the get-go and WAS NOT missing out on that. and then i heard about the awakenings and my jaw dropped...
I admit, the main motivation for me getting Sol was just because I'm weak to lolis. Especially her type. That was the first justification.

It does help that she's this overpowered though.