Quote Originally Posted by Cobblemaniac View Post
You misunderstand my intention.

I started this thread with the intention for a consolidated discussion and content thread, however I don't have solid enough information nor the confidence to provide a deep break down of what we're getting from GO. Still, since you asked I might as well give it a shot, here's what I have:

Firstly, the DMM wiki entries of GO, hope you're fluent in google translate:

Guild orders is in essence a biweekly clear 20 missions kind of deal. You're required to fight a single stage consisting of 5 parts, and each part has increasingly strong mobs till the 5th part, which is a final boss. All guild orders content I'm aware of so far is of a single element, so do take that into account as you progress. The first element will be fire.

Do take note that the enemies in this content are tough as all hell, a good reference is just to take AQ4 level mobs and make them more dangerous. I haven't analysed the content in much more detail, but I should mention that the boss is ridiculously strong, with 8.5m HP, a trigger attack on rage that deals insane damage (15k on all girls, likely without debuffs and elemental advantage?), and most notably a pretty high debuff resistance. I'm not sure if it's comparable to wind rag however. Last thing to note is you can challenge the stage once a day.

You get increasing rewards as you clear the missions. The first week of the cycle will be a set of 10 missions, and the second week another set, giving you a total of 20 missions to complete. The most notable reward in GO is the orichalcum, you need it to 4LB weapons (content that begins with dragon eye weapons, but most notably Phoenix's bow) and to buy past raid weapons if you so desire. 5 are available biweekly.

This is all the information I can give with confidence for now. Appreciate if someone can fix any issues, add more info to my comment or just completely give a new set of info that is more reliable.
Just a small update.

I may be misinformed about the boss being high debuff resistance, didn't have trouble landing any debuffs during then. Appreciate if anyone else can confirm.

A couple more things I can definitively say:

1. If you can't clear AQ4, it's unlikely you'll be able to clear the entirety of this GO. However,
2. If what I understand from the phrasing of the missions are correct, you'll clear mission requirements for completing stages 1, 2 and 3 respectively, so even if you can't touch the final boss, you should at least be able to grab yourself some orichalcum by completing the first 3 stages.
3. For those who can't OMEGALUL burst down the boss instantly, do not do your full burst at the start of the battle. Treat the boss like you would fire or water rag: push them close to rage with normal attacks, poke them into rage with a low dmg ability, unload your heavy nukes and full burst.