So I am a decent player with a decent grid. 138/20.5.

First off lower end players should not be too concerned with clearing it. GO clearly leaves with enough room for participation trophy with their first 5 missions, none of which requiring you to clear.

If you participate 5 times and get to lv 3 every time, you get 5 mission points per week. That's 10 biweekly and you get 2 Orichalum or however it's spelled and 800 magic jewels.

You cannot clear this boss without some sort of dmg cut. As previous thread mentioned boss has a rage trigger AoE that can wipe team. Ideally even Raphael's dmg cut is not good enough because it will still hurt, so you want either team members that can apply a lot of attack down fire dmg down or fire resist up and def up in addition to dmg cut. Knocking boss into rage and out of rage in a single turn WILL NOT stop boss from AoEing in your face. This is from personal experience.

Clearing the mission multiple times after you have accomplished all mission is useless. Clearing itself doesn't give you mission points, so you would be wasting your time if you have cleared all your missions. The 5 missions that require clearing from easiest to hardest, in my opinion, are:

1. 5 member survive (team with good healers and dmg cut can accomplish this, without them clearing itself is difficult. Andro's resuscitation also helps keep headcount who "survived" in check)
2. Soul survive (soul down is usually the first sign of team wipe, clearing will become more difficult after soul down. If you can clear with soul down try a couple more times and I am sure you can clear with soul up)
3. 3 Specific types of kamis (not sure if it's just attacker, but ideally you want 1 defense, 1 healer, and 1 tricky for debuff, that leaves only 4 spaces...)
4. 3 or more SR kamis (limitation on the whales, pick kamis that are super useful, like AoE def debuff Atalanta or rage gauge drain Bel for this fire bounty)
5. Specific soul (I am sure no one has every soul's relic prepared and ready to go. This is the most challenging and should be attempted at your own disgression).

I have not passed the GO on my own account but have done so on a friend's account with a more well balanced team (more SSRs), but players with weaker grids should not worry too much and should focus on clearing until lv 3 for their 10 MP biweekly. On clearing the small fry focus on the 2 charge 3 charge small fries, they will easily tear your kamis apart while the 1 charge small fry only annoys you and does not really do much damage.