Quote Originally Posted by Cobblemaniac View Post
Sorry for breach of forum etiquette, I'mma have to double post for the notification to come out. I'll fuse my post once this gets addressed.

A few corrections I'd like to point out. In addition, I'd like to throw in a cleaner list of Trivia's skillset.

Applies to both expert and ragna.

Normal Overdrive: Randomly uses
1. AoE dmg + Paralyse (2T)
2. AoE dmg + Beserk (2T)

Raging Overdrive: AoE big dmg + self ATK and DEF down (20s)

Triggers first at 75% HP (very slightly after boss enters rage) and again at 50% HP (close to stun). Overdrive has priority over special trigger
Cleanses self from ALL debuffs and casts ATK up (non-stacking, 60s)
Special trigger can be delayed if boss is stunned with the overdrive meter maxed. Boss will use special trigger twice if you manage to take her down from less than 75% HP to below 50% HP without her using the trigger.

So the fixes are:
1. atk up buff from special trigger doesn't stack, they're the same frame.
2. raging overdrive only debuff lasts only 20 seconds.
3. the description of the special trigger cleaned up.
4. first instance of special trigger at 75% HP. This is the part which I haven't fully confirmed, considering the DMM wiki also mentions that it triggers with first rage. What could be the case might be that boss enters first rage slightly before 75% HP, and therefore most players can treat the trigger as "starts with first rage" because they do enough damage to hit the 75% HP mark. Might be accurate for both expert and ragna. This point might be a small nitpick however, it shouldn't change the strategy too much.

Edit: Number 2 was wrong. Trivia does cast self atk down, same 20s duration.

Also, this video at 2:09 min mark confirms that rage alone is not the trigger.
oof thank u my dud, at least you're not a jerk about it
i kinda just skimmed through that same vid and uhuh oof
ah well at least we can both say that it's better to solo this raid than join smhhhhh tho aab ez af