Quote Originally Posted by sanahtlig View Post
The free-to-play game business model is driven by perverse incentives. It's not enough to have many players, or to create a fun game that people want to spend a lot of time playing. Instead, it's about finding innovative (or not so innovative) ways to part people with their money. In many cases, that means making the game addictive and NOT fun, and then goading players to pay up to reduce the tedium or gain an advantage over others. In the traditional model, you pay for content. In the free-to-play model, you pay to progress and to out-compete others. The Gatcha mechanic is just another monetization strategy to distinguish the paying players from the rest, and should be viewed as such. That's certainly how developers view it.
While I do agree with most points, do remember that games like League of Legends, DOTA 2, or Path of Exile exist.
As for gacha games though: yeah, they are cancer of gaming.