Vicious Ocean Tide Spear is comically bad compared to the other Event SSR Water weapons of very recent times (Water Sickle of Guilty Sloth, Lazy Bow Hail Punisher, and Rahab's Knife). Not only is the Spear incapable of being Full Limit Broken where the three aforementioned all can be, but its Assault is downgraded for Stinger which is pretty terrible Skill given that it requires both favourable element (which is the last element you'll need more damage against given that you already hit their weak point) and involves rolls for random spike damage rather than a steady reliable increase.
Against everything that isn't Fire, it has the same Weapon Skill as an SR except it demands way more fodder to increase. On top of all this, it inexplicably punishes you for using it as a Soul Weapon by hitting you with multiple debuffs upon Bursting.

I picked it up anyway because I'm new and still have some Level 85 SRs/Level 50 SSRs I can't break further that I need to replace, and the 40 extra Levels should be more than sufficient to offset the extra tedium of levelling its Blizzard Assault.