Quote Originally Posted by Dejnov View Post
I apologize since I'm still a bit of a newb, but what exactly is a stun punisher type of team? Are there specific skills that you would normally use to take advantage of the easy push to stun from normal union events?
"Stun punishers" are Hime that have a skill that makes them do stupid amounts of damage when an enemy is under Stun status. Examples of this are Soul Siegfried, SSR Tyr and SR Oceanus.

The problem with Stun punishers are:
1. In most content, by the time you reach Stun, the fight is already over. So what's the point?
2. Even if the fight isn't over yet, this is the phase in the fight where the boss usually is of no threat to you. Why do you want to end this phase early? And not ending it early risks missing out on the huge damage bonus that Stun punishers get.

For this reason, Awakened Tyr is getting reworked into being able to "punish" at any time and not just at Stun. Oceanus, Siegfried and others won't be reworked and will forever be garbage.