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  1. #11
    Tried checking JP wiki, and it's actually pretty confusing. They all have 3 abilities for their second and third... since cooldown are also different, it could be possible that you get to customize a bit about what skills the souls have. But here's a rough translation for those interested:

    Charlemagne's(Arthur upgrade)
    Skill1: Gain 100% Burst Gauge and Burst Damage(consumed on burst), 6turn cooldown
    Skill2: Damage enemy with their Arthur's element, and one of the variants below
    2-1: DEF down(150s), 6 turn cooldown
    2-2: Self ATK up(15 turns cumulative), 3 turn cooldown
    2-3: Self DATA buff(3 turns, cost 20 BG), 7 turn cooldown
    3-1: Raid-wide ATK up(3 turns), 5 turn cooldown
    3-2: Party ATK up and ATK cap up(1 turn), 6 turn cooldown
    3-3: Damage increased against stunned enemies(3 turn, 20 BG cost), 6 turn cooldown
    Assist1: DATA up
    Assist2: Party attack up(assault)

    Romulus(Joan upgrade)
    Skill1: Party DMG cut 60%(1turn), 6 turn cooldown
    2-1: Party DA buff and Regen(5 turn), 7 turn cooldown
    2-2: Self DEF up, Taunt, Regen(5 turn), 6 turn cooldown
    2-3: Self DEF up(higher than above), guard allies(2 turn), 6 turn cooldown
    Skill3: Deals damage to enemy with Joan's element, and one of the variants below
    3-1: Attack down(180s), 7 turn cooldown
    3-2: 自分に応戦付與, not sure what it is, seems like a recently introduced mechanic. 3 Turn, 6turn cooldown.
    3-3: Overdrive reduce/orb eater, 5 turn cooldown
    Assist: ATK up when taking damage

    Asclepius's(Andro's upgrade)
    Skill1: Raid heal, 5 turn cooldown
    2-1: Raid DEF up(3 turn), 6 turn cooldown
    2-2: Remove enemy buff, 5 turn cooldown
    2-3: Single ally heal, 5 turn cooldown
    3-1: Res one ally(7 turn cooldown
    3-2: Self+Ally auto-res(buff that res when you die, 12 turns), 12 turn cooldown
    3-3: Create a pot(not sure if single heal or the aoe heal pot), 7 turn cooldown
    Assist: Party HP up(defender)

    But yeah, because they are all listed as "second" or "third" skill my guess is that we can customize the skills to fit what the team needs. Feel free to correct my mistakes, and hopefully someone can explain what 自分に応戦付與 is in the game.
    Last edited by kyc992; 04-19-2019 at 10:32 PM.

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