New Skill Checker-kun event is live.

This time, the gimmick is that he is nigh-debuff immune. You have five turns. He only does two things:
1. If you use all four color abilities in a single turn, AoE damage + self-def -50 (1 turn, guaranteed) + self-atk+ buff (small)
2. Otherwise, AoE damage + self-cleanse all debuffs and self-atk+ buff (large)
That's a fairly interesting setup that, in theory, allows for lots of gimmicks if you can think them over. Sadly, things like usually get utterly dominated by one single thing.

To my understanding from DMM, this time around, that one single thing is Wind Atum + Medea combo. Now, Wind Atum by herself upgrading Medea's ability damage from... ~7,9m to ~11,8m (rough estimates) is fairly substantial, but the real treat here is Medea's AoE abi-1 spam. So here is roughly how shit works:
Turn 1: Use abilities preferably for +100 burst or near, use CD-1 from Medea, reset, CD-1, (Medea CD now 8) Wind Atum's -3 CD on Medea (Medea CD now 5), full burst (Medea CD now 4)
Turn 2: (Medea CD now 3)
Turn 3: (Medea CD now 2)
Turn 4: (Medea CD now 1)
Turn 5: Use CD-1 from Medea, reset, CD-1. This allows you to use all abilities which have a CD of 8. Use these abilities again to reach another full burst.

Now, either I've misunderstood this, or there are a couple of flaws to this. The biggest one being that the boss will only be debuffed on turn 2. But hey, like all DMM tactics, they've made exclusively for people who have full same-element Kaiser Grids and perfect Hime FLB Grids. You know, stuff 100% unrealistic to anyone who didn't take a small loan of one million dollars from their dad for a gacha game. But yeah, this tactic should work great when you casually reach burst damage caps even without any debuffs.

I have no idea what is going to be a good tactic for us mere mortals. I guess the basic "lol Michael Awakened" will do just fine. Too bad I don't have Michael or Wind Atum... I wonder if I can get to top50?

Oh, and as a side note, after this Skill Checker-kun I believe all future events will be on-element only. While you technically can do them off-element too, Skill Checker-kuns will have strong, passive damage cuts against all but elemental weakness.