Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Hey guys !

I am kinda new to aigis dmm, and with the current event two things appeared that i don't know about :

- yellow orbs/gems. Seems like we can trade those at the TP, but i have no idea what for. Is this something worth gathering ? I have 76 of those, should i focus on getting more ?

- a kind of spirit i never saw before. Tried to use google trad without decent result, tried as well to combine it with a unit (i thought it could have CR the said unit) but i don't see any difference.

Thank you in advance for anyone who could enlighten me on these two phenomena
yellow crystals = revival crystals, they can be used to trade for revival units (currently ongoing revival is rowanna the avenger).

that spirit is probably bonbori. look at its skill, it has the same skill name as the revival unit (rowanna in this case) and is meant to be used to SU the revival unit but can also be used to SU other units with the same skill (like Cuterie CC'd also has same skill as Rowanna)