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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by YoxalLoyal View Post
    Ah I see. Thanks for the clarification. Was basing the class on their character designs. What are your thoughts on the new silver max level and 2nd awakening?
    probably good for silver strategies, but that might mean they might up the difficulty of maps. 2nd AW still too far for me to care, it's more of giving veterans more stuff to do.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by soranokira View Post
    probably good for silver strategies, but that might mean they might up the difficulty of maps. 2nd AW still too far for me to care, it's more of giving veterans more stuff to do.
    True. I haven't even AW'ed any of my units at DMM yet. Too lazy to get the silver fodders for them atm. XD Idk how I feel about the class split for black 2nd AW. On one hand, variety is always good, but on the other hand, players will probably go for the better of the two unless the other class fits their team/strategy. But a free copy of a black unit is always nice to have. I wonder if those will cost 400 RCs or at event price.
    Aigis Teams (10/23/2016)
    1st: Nutaku Aigis Main Team - 2nd: Alt. Nutaku Aigis Main Team - 3rd: DMM Aigis Main Team

    Aigis Unit Collection (06/02/2016): DMM | Nutaku

    Aigis Story Guides:
    Eastern Wind: http://harem-battle.club/millennium-...ion-guide.html
    Magic City: http://harem-battle.club/millennium-...ion-guide.html
    Jungle: TBA whenever Nutaku implements it
    Makai (Hell): TBA whenever Nutaku implements it

    Other browser games I play (or played) outside of Aigis:

    Flower Knight Girl (dropped; hated the RNG-style gameplay)
    Brave Girl Ravens (dropped; got too boring after a while)
    Kamihime Project (dropped sadly; too much high maintenance for my time)

    Shiro Project:RE (dropped; no time to spare for this game outside of the Aigis x ShiroPro crossover event)

  3. #3
    I personally like EVERYTHING..
    and i read that many vets dont like the class split but i think with class split it probably will give units more versetality and will provide the new grounds to be used on..making things challenging..
    thats what I feel :P

    Also 2nd awakening IS reasonable AND good..that means we will get even harder maps..more challenging..situation based and ever increasing stratergies...(preventing veterans to blind run maps with there full black team)...also like the looks of the majins...hope they are not as dangerous as the look....

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    As someone who lives in a "each character is unique" universe i really dislike the class split.

  5. #5
    Unregistered Guest
    Won't they still remain unique
    I think the feature will allow us to move to and fro from one form to another at our wish...hopefully

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Well, after looking at it a second time, the class split is only for black units, while gold and plat units get assigned something depending on which character it is.

    I'm fine with this after all, i mean, we even get a second black unit as a present when we go for 2nd AW and it's only really black units that face this non-unique thingie.

  7. #7
    Unregistered Guest
    Now Tenhou-san agrees as well....

    I liked the b.iris art of 2nd AW

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