Quote Originally Posted by YoxalLoyal View Post
Look at the 1:36 mark. She appears at the top center of the map. Your units must've killed her before even noticing her since she blends in with the golems. XD
Oh the sneaky little one ! Well indeed she died to fast for me to notice her

All in all a nice event, with fairly easy maps (i didn't blind run the 90/12 though, yes i'm a coward ). In the end i only missed the plat puppeteer and alchemist.
I probably won't use the other units anytime soon anyway (if ever), as i have a lot of core units to level beforehand, but for collection purpose this gold rush was more than welcome! I'm starting to consider throwing some bucks on the game to buy a barrack extention..

And finally, a big thanks for all your advice, having a reliable community is a real pleasure.