Quote Originally Posted by YoxalLoyal View Post
Aria is the same as any other revival unit. If you have 1 of her, the other copies will cost 50 RevCs. Echidna will reduce from 150 to 100 I believe. Time fairy will probably always cost 500 RevCs.

So wasn't sure where I was going to post this (the gacha thread in the main section or here), but I did a few rolls and I felt a little cheated in a good way (sasuga Aigis). I rolled on the left side hoping for Wendy, got no blacks, and got a 3 plats a couple days ago. I now rolled on the other side hoping for Raven, got only 1 plat (RAVEN AT LAST!!!), and three blacks (Alice, Moltena, and Fiore). Time to do my celebration dance for getting Raven before she went to revival gacha. Best birthday present evar!

The gold units are alright. I got that gold bowrider with infinite S.AW duration last time and got Matilda now. Matilda is alright, though she is more attack oriented. Bernice still takes the #1 place for gold HA. Matilda can help by paralyzing enemies after a certain amount of hits. Other than her, Yuyu and Ehrett would help in CR/SU my main ones, dupe thief is not needed as I will only use her for drop rate boost, and gold ninja will be sold for RCs.

so you will keep the monk, guess I will follow and sell my gold ninja since I have Saki already, how about Kojuro, I will use Hibari and AW her first, but not sure if I should keep him