Took me around one week to get both in the same time. No plat other than racua would make me happier since i learned after rolling together with machina, that i learned how interesting unit she is. Hmm, i got it... Here i have 2 alternatives:

1st option (wise decision)
Main, cornelia because i already have saria, no need b.iris that much.
Alt, b.iris since i need decent blockers with good def for max performance for rion, also more def is always better for racua.

2nd option (if i go crazy)
Main, minerva, since team have so many bullet users, why not add the best one and hear more gun sounds
Alt, nanaly, already have rion here+nanaly makes total 12 arrows in the air

My senses saying me to go for 2 for more fun but ppl say 1st one is better for gameplay :c