Quote Originally Posted by Petite Soeur
-Imperial Premium Summoning (New Characters) Begins.
+Imperial Premium Summoning will also be held occasionally in the future.
Rainbow Crystal (Trading Post):
-The following will be added:
1) Legend Summoning Ticket (レジェンド召喚チケット).
2) Time Fairy (時の聖霊フルール)
+Only possible to trade for units/items 3 times each in a month.
+Every time you trade for one, the rainbow crystal cost increases (but this resets on the 1st of each month at 4:00).

(Imperial Premium) Black Imperial Princess Angeline (アンジェリーネ):

(Imperial Premium) Black Imperial Swordmaster Sigelinde (帝国剣士ジークリンデ):
I guess I'll be buying some Time Fairies to mincost Ashera and B.Iris. The plat tickets are nice too if you want an instant plat/black unit. The new Imperial units look alright. I wonder what will be in the Imperial gacha, considering the low amount of Imperial units we have thus far?