Quote Originally Posted by Kirito Rick View Post
(Sharing this from my personal experience...)

Firstly...Anya will have a revival next year...
But there is fair chance that there will no longer be a revival for time fairy since she is already in the shrine...

Still I suggest you wait for Anya's revival...becoz Anya is no longer the ultimate must have unit...(which she once was) and if you have Hibari...you CAN survive without her in almost all the content of the game.

So where to spend the 1000RC you ask...

You have three options...
1) Hold on to them:
There is a fair chance that the devs eventually will add new and more op stuff in the trading post to be bought by RC... ...so save your RC and lv other stuffs for now...

2) Buy Plat ticket:

I have no idea how your team looks like but if you are a free player with not many premium stuff...I highly recommend you to buy the ticket worth 500 RC...

The Plat ticket is the best source if you are trying to get a black unit...20℅ Chance to get a black is no joke...

Also it's better to build your core team first...the two units...Dark Knight and Cynthia are only meant for those who have a solid core and needs additional/niche support...

Which bring me to 3)
If you are a veteran and are not keen of anything from the ticket...
Go grab Cynthia...she has more general use and buffs..(.provided you have other solid core units like tanks etc. raised perfectly)

If you want a tank with some solid melle range support Dark Knight can be picked as well...

Hence here is the priority if you are desperate to spend..

(You are a whale)
Cynthia>Dark Knight>Plat ticket

(You are not a whale but have a decent tank)
Plat Ticket>Cynthia>Dark Knight

PS: I bought a Plat ticket btw...and got
Guess quote speaks of itself