Quote Originally Posted by soranokira View Post
I disagree, Bashira is still higher priority than Rosa. However, Rosa does make for a fairly decent 3rd archer when the situation calls for it (stalling bosses with traps, assassinating orcs etc.)
Georg, the gold arti armor is UNLIKELY usable for crystal G ; I doubt he's ever going to have enough attack as a gold even with AW, since his skill is def (remember you need 900 splash attack to kill the gazers and due to their attack speed and numbers, it's best to kill them off in 1 hit rather than 2). SAW may change things though (look at themis)
but yes, otherwise arti armor class is pretty useful as melee supports, like a physical ver. of mage armors that attack more often than mage armors.
i referred to this video as zola can kill eyes with 2 shots and i think percis was unnecessary there. If georg doesnt get the same aoe with zola at aw than what you've said is true, if not then georg already shoots faster than zola at pre-aw, at least i have him and noticed his high attack speed, thus 2 hits to those eyes without letting them escape is still possible only if he gets more aoe range with aw. Low physical damage-high atk speed is worse than opposite where armor matters, guess thats how devs balanced cannoneers with heavy artillery.