Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I often have nothing to do between waiting on charmisa/ stamina unless I'm working aha is it worth playing both or will I just burn myself out doing the same content over n over other then events
me, tenhou and charles have been playing on both. in fact, I have 1 nutaku account while I play 3 dmm accounts.
unfortunately, do be prepared that you will be likely to miss out on the farm events that have occurred in DMM, especially those that already have had revivals. I've been playing for almost 3 months there, but I've not experienced a single unit farm event. It seems to be that DMM is switching over to having farm event units drop off existing events (the most recent gold rush and the past 2 star rush events have had plat event units drop from their maps) while having revival maps solely for star rush/collection revivals.

granted, this statement I just made has no conclusive proof and is not set in stone yet. I am just stating what I view to be the current trend DMM seems to be on.