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  1. #1

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    Quote Originally Posted by soranokira View Post
    for the record, your single-mindedness is the reason are treating your opinions as a joke.

    I could pretty much say the same thing about you and wouldn't be wrong.

    Also , i love the fact that you're resorting to personal attacks to dodge the question.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by lolix View Post
    I could pretty much say the same thing about you and wouldn't be wrong.

    Also , i love the fact that you're resorting to personal attacks to dodge the question.
    that's because it's a pain to spell everything out. if people didnt care about future content from dmm as a reference point, there wouldnt be any need for overload to mention saving fairy queens for sapphire units, for one, nor the potential event thread lafate made, nor the AW skill thread information since nutaku hasn't gotten skill AW while dmm just released them. just because there's a greater focus on nutaku aigis over here doesnt mean dmm units and information are irrelevant in this section of the forum.

    although I mentioned patra and mordrebete as best plat bishop/mage respectively, I also added sasha as 2nd best after mordrebete. These unfamiliar names are as good as saying nutaku hasn't gotten the really good plat mage/bishops, which may or may not be relevant to taz when he asked that question. you practically assumed he was asking about a comparison based on nutaku's current units, which isn't inaccurate, but later on you practically said that I am wrong for assuming that he would be ok with information based off dmm aigis, which is the issue here that I'm biting on regarding your single-mindedness.

  3. #3

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    and you still somehow manage to miss the point. I didn't said that giving dmm info is wrong. Hell , if you look a couple comments back , i actually said that's very useful information.

    What i pointed out was that you gave an unclear answer based on DMM , without making any distinction whatsoever between versions (which is why i pointed out that people playing on multiple accounts tend to sometimes treat them as a single entity).

    My issues with you wasn't the fact that you gave dmm info. It's that you tend to completly ignore short term , and think very long term ahead instead. Which is not bad in itself , but you have to admit , it doesn't help the newbies in general.

    Now , ofc , said person wasn't a newbie , as you pointed out. It doesn't change the fact that you could have easily said what you said about dmm , and then make the distinction for our own version , so he has a clear answer. If it's a pain to spell everything out , then don't bother giving advice. If you do decide to answer a question tho , do actually answer a person to the best of your ability , so at least everyone (or at least the person that asked the question) can understand your train of thought , and why you recommend X or Y , or why do you think X unit is better then Y unit.

    You don't even have to be entirely right , as long as you actually give a logical argument.

  4. #4

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    I read this with 80% understanding so don't mind if i didn't understand properly

    He may have not given a piece of solid advice, but that doesn't mean everyone is doing same. We have a big community (at least i think so) and everyone can contribute with their advice, hell even FarK can. To be honest, when he said we could level Shao's skill with silver assassins, i didn't even think about that. It could be very helpful so thanks FarK :P

    You can always choose who to listen, it's your own free will. So why not listen to every answer, advice, and opinion, to construct your own logical solution out of those

    Aside from that, don't argue too much guys. I believe you are both well respected players, and it's just not worth to argue if you think about it =)
    Millenium War Aigis Team

    IGN: Sinc | ID: 264210

  5. #5
    What i pointed out was that you gave an unclear answer based on DMM , without making any distinction whatsoever between versions (which is why i pointed out that people playing on multiple accounts tend to sometimes treat them as a single entity).
    He never specified, therefore by extension my answer is not inaccurate looking at end-game, under the assumption that nutaku gets everything dmm gets when we reach the point in time where we get the unit (which has thus far been our basis for everything, except for those obviously skipped content which we're still expecting to get somehow eventually as Lafate puts them under faith events)

    Which is not bad in itself , but you have to admit , it doesn't help the newbies in general.
    unless someone asks for short-term, I see no reason to give short-term. and as I mentioned, he never gave hints that he was a newbie or a player who has played for a long time, so I just gave the end-game answer. If newbies want useful information for newbies, then I'll provide useful information for newbies. otherwise I'd give the standard end-game answer.

    If it's a pain to spell everything out , then don't bother giving advice.
    if you spell everything out, posts tend to get lengthy and people dont like reading wall of text. I let people link the information together, and if they fail to understand, they can ask again. That's how I roll and that's just one way of doing things. spelling everything out is just another. It does not mean I'm wrong in my way of doing things, that is what I mean.

    If someone wants to know my train of thought, or why I recommend a unit over another, then they can ask again. not everybody wants to know something like that. In other words, I answer straight to the point.

    for another example:
    tenhou answered straight to the point, while you added a whole chunk of extra stuff. that is up to you, just like how tenhou chose to answer straight to the point, and answer yoxal when he had further queries.

    Now you see why I say you're single-minded when you're complaining about me giving straight to the point answers instead of being 'clearer' as you say? It's just different ways of answering.

  6. #6

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    Quote Originally Posted by soranokira View Post
    He never specified, therefore by extension my answer is not inaccurate looking at end-game, under the assumption that nutaku gets everything dmm gets when we reach the point in time where we get the unit (which has thus far been our basis for everything, except for those obviously skipped content which we're still expecting to get somehow eventually as Lafate puts them under faith events)
    As i pointed out earlier , we have 2 subforums. DMM version , and our version. Wouldn't 1 think first at the nutaku version if someone asked a question on this subforum ? Also we both know that nutaku skips a lot of content , so u can't be certain anyway. It's still speculation at this moment.

    Quote Originally Posted by soranokira View Post
    unless someone asks for short-term, I see no reason to give short-term. and as I mentioned, he never gave hints that he was a newbie or a player who has played for a long time, so I just gave the end-game answer. If newbies want useful information for newbies, then I'll provide useful information for newbies. otherwise I'd give the standard end-game answer. speculated that he's not a newbie , then you decided to give a speculative answer for end game content that we still don't have ?
    And you see no problem with that ? At least do specify what's best for our version as well , just in case nutaku decides not to give us new mages for the next year...

    Quote Originally Posted by soranokira View Post
    if you spell everything out, posts tend to get lengthy and people dont like reading wall of text. I let people link the information together, and if they fail to understand, they can ask again. That's how I roll and that's just one way of doing things. spelling everything out is just another. It does not mean I'm wrong in my way of doing things, that is what I mean.
    Most people that ask questions would actually want answers that make sense. That's why people actually ask questions in the first place. They don't know , or are uncertain , and want another opinion. I'm guessing they would also like an opinion that make sense as well. For example , if i ask what archer is better ? and tell u that i have both spica and victoria , i do expect to understand why spica is more useful from your answer. I'm not just going to level her up , just because u said she's better without giving an actual argument why

    Quote Originally Posted by soranokira View Post
    If someone wants to know my train of thought, or why I recommend a unit over another, then they can ask again. not everybody wants to know something like that. In other words, I answer straight to the point.
    So ...people would have to come back multiple times to have a conversation with you , on a internet forum , instead of giving said person a complete answer for the start ? Sry , but i'd rather read a wall of text in my first response , then having to log for an entire day to get a clear answer to my problem.

    Quote Originally Posted by soranokira View Post
    for another example:
    tenhou answered straight to the point, while you added a whole chunk of extra stuff. that is up to you, just like how tenhou chose to answer straight to the point, and answer yoxal when he had further queries.
    the reason yoxal had very little else to ask after that , was because i answered most of his questions already

    Quote Originally Posted by soranokira View Post
    Now you see why I say you're single-minded when you're complaining about me giving straight to the point answers instead of being 'clearer' as you say? It's just different ways of answering.
    You don't see the hypocrisy at all , when talking about single-minded people ?

  7. #7
    As i pointed out earlier , we have 2 subforums. DMM version , and our version. Wouldn't 1 think first at the nutaku version if someone asked a question on this subforum ? Also we both know that nutaku skips a lot of content , so u can't be certain anyway. It's still speculation at this moment.
    you can think of nutaku version first, that is not an issue. I can think about end-game aigis, that's my prerogative and nothing you should be complaining about since it IS an answer. Whether it's the answer somebody is looking for is not something you or I will know until said person makes it clearer. speculated that he's not a newbie , then you decided to give a speculative answer for end game content that we still don't have ?
    And you see no problem with that ? At least do specify what's best for our version as well , just in case nutaku decides not to give us new mages for the next year...
    Rather than speculate, if something is ambiguous, I will simply answer what I think is the best answer to his question. as I have said, it is just one way of answering, there's nothing wrong with it.

    Most people that ask questions would actually want answers that make sense. That's why people actually ask questions in the first place. They don't know , or are uncertain , and want another opinion. I'm guessing they would also like an opinion that make sense as well. For example , if i ask what archer is better ? and tell u that i have both spica and victoria , i do expect to understand why spica is more useful from your answer. I'm not just going to level her up , just because u said she's better without giving an actual argument why
    'Making sense' of an answer is subjective. It also happens to require interpretation.
    Regarding spica vs victoria as your example, some people already have an idea and just want a confirmation. not everybody wants a wall of text saying spica > victoria because she has higher dps, has a long lasting skill but victoria's increase attack is much better against high armor units and victoria has better burst so under certain situation victoria is better but general purpose-wise spica is better as an archer.

    So ...people would have to come back multiple times to have a conversation with you , on a internet forum , instead of giving said person a complete answer for the start ? Sry , but i'd rather read a wall of text in my first response , then having to log for an entire day to get a clear answer to my problem.
    thank you. you finally realized it's a matter of 'rather'. at this point, you're assuming that everybody wants a comprehensive answer to their question and they don't mind reading wall of text. but unfortunately, truth of the matter is that there ARE people who are not very interested in lengthy answers.

    the reason yoxal had very little else to ask after that , was because i answered most of his questions already
    once again, you're assuming that your method of answering is the one and only method that should be applied. maybe he actually liked tenhou's answers that were to the point instead of having to read your wall of text?

    You don't see the hypocrisy at all , when talking about single-minded people ?
    I don't see it here, because I'm not saying your way of answering is wrong. you are the one who says my manner of replying to questions is bad. all I am saying is reply to that, is that neither of our manner of replying to answers are wrong. your obsession with a comprehensive answer is the point I'm arguing about. There's a reason there's a 'summary' section in english examinations in comprehension.

    just to add on to my point about reading comprehension and summary:
    If you belong to this category, you need to understand that you don’t need to understand each and every word of the comprehension. At the same time, you should find the gist (summary) of it. Both these points above may appear contradictory But the crucial thing is, you need to eliminate the words, phrases, sentences from the Reading Comprehension that are not useful and need to focus on keywords.
    Just because I avoid adding in additional details and only answer to the point does not mean I am wrong and I should change my manner of answering questions.

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

    edit: in response to your line in the shoutbox:
    Considering my worst issue with what u say is that you tend to look too much at what dmm has and ignore our version...or that you care too much for end game content disregarding priorities , that's not that big of a deal , and in the end it's not even wrong , assuming you put everything u have to say in the correct context.
    you just said that me answering with what dmm has is not an issue.
    I didn't said that giving dmm info is wrong.
    as for the ignoring our version part, I will only respond IF the answerer wants it to be restricted to nutaku-only. Otherwise, just because I dont mention it to avoid clutter (from having to answer from 2 POV) doesnt mean I'm wrong. you having an issue with it is simply you being retarded.

    and here's something from karsuman:
    #2 - there's no rule that requires us to talk about only Nutaku units, so we will likely continue talking about DMM. the list I posted earlier also includes a number of units that have already appeared on Nutaku.
    Nutaku players should probably be interested in the opinions of DMM players on units because it gives a strong indication of what is best to invest in. Presently the most effecting thing on a unit's worth is their awakening skill, which haven't appeared on Nutaku yet.
    Last edited by soranokira; 06-08-2016 at 03:17 AM.

  8. #8

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    meh , can't really stay long since i'm at work , so i'll keep it short :I have no issue with u dropping dmm content. I have a issue with your way of answring questions. Your way of answering is wrong because you don't care about the context of a question. Giving answers without context is bad.

    You don't put things in context , and ignore the facts right in front of you , while including some facts/units/stats that we haven't even gotten yet , and we don't know if we'll ever get.

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