I would give you the same advice others gave me, CC units that will help you clear monday daily H first - katie, leanne, cloris and a healer. NO gold means you can't level your units. Then move on to things that will help you clear thursday daily h -bashira and aisha. then everybody else. You might have noticed, even though people say Aisha is OP, she doesn't really shine until after AW and that is going to take a while.
I don't see the advantage of not CC another healer because of UC, their range and atk is laughable prior to cc. Plus, I don't know if we will get chydis or fedora anytime soon. You can use dorca if you don't like using duplicates but iris is better. In any case you can always use them for AW or as UP and skill fodder once you find a replacement. On a side note make desert oasis your target map, it has better drops. Again, this all a matter of opinion do what will make your gaming experience more fun.