Quote Originally Posted by soranokira View Post
not sure what you're on about. if you dont have the silvers to cc aisha then wait until you do. you can also consider farming extra gold and rolling 2k summons until you get lucky with one. or rolling one from the sp summons.

also, imelia IS a good anti-lich unit. so are bandits in general.
What I'm "on about" is whether or not it is worth putting off my third healer to try to rush CCing Aisha? (My thoughts are it's probably NOT a good idea) As for Imelia as a "anti-lich unit I was under the impresssion I needed something with MR to tank them. If that is NOT the case then I'm pretty happy about that, and I will get Imelia to 50cc30 for the Spectral March 500.

Thanks for your time!