At Kayfabe, that was my reasoning for AW Katie, being I have no gold+ Heavys. As my off tank and most universally used unit, and a percent boost to team to boot, I figured I'd get most use out of her. Monica was just more DCs = faster future AW, though I do use her a bit since she's available. The problem with just add more lesser healers are the general lack of healers. I realize Christopher was farmable during General event but my 3 week account couldn't do the X map to farm it, hopefully another opportunity soon.

At sora, so the 2nd archer he uses is not available to us, and has a high uptime skill that lets it clear much easier, that's rough news. on the feng shui front, is it so much better than another quality healer so as to be a sizeable upgrade? For the fencer front, he has so much extra UP and slots left at the end that I assumed some mages could clear that death ball at the end of the map. I'm willing to take your experience though and just grab Saki before AW my Bashira if that won't be enough with AW Spica to clear this map.

The X video guide by the same user also uses that feng shui user to clear Will I not be able to simply sub in my maxed Iris and expect similar results once i have AW Spica? If not then why? I may be misunderstanding something about how feng shui users work in general. To my understanding it is just a weaker heal that heals two units at a time (relatively minor, similar to the differences between an archer and VH for example).