Quote Originally Posted by tidus View Post
well jerome was the one i was planning to aw next(just capped his trust this week) and i guess i'll farm the orbs to aw him, about the second i rarely use a second tank or either len, is that 5% def(around 30 def ) for gellius really important? are there any other unit i should focus for when aw skill will be added(have like 20 rainbow for it) and should i use my second clissa just to reduce my main cost by 1?
edit: just a few info about some unit
odette she has 40 cost sadly i'd just started on late august so i was able to get only one of her
fedora has her cost reduced to 17(min)
Well if your Odette is 40 cost I would seriously consider leveling your Marius instead when you feel the need for more magic damage.

Bishops are great, though expensive to deploy, but I think his max cost is still only 37. His skill is only situationally useful but he hits like a damn truck without it and has a larger range than mages do (which goes up further after awakening).

Note that he is squishy as hell, so he needs to be placed safely (which is easy to do with his large range).

The hardest part would be getting all the affection items for another male unit.

Jerome first still obviously.