Quote Originally Posted by soranokira View Post
The only thing I need to add on to answer your question that isn't answered in my post on the 1st page, is that dancers are bread and butter for dmm veterans. and that dancers will be hard to get used to at the beginning, but when you AW'd a ton of units and starting searching for fast-clear methods, dancers will boost your overall dps by a lot.
Thank you Kamahari and Soranokira, I did know the difference between the three dancers because of your previous post, I just wasn't sure how often a dancer (the class) would actually be used and whether or not they were worth giving up a ranged slot for. I think I understand that it would be very much a good idea to get a max-CR dancer on your team given the chance. So if need be I shall spend a few SC's to CR waltz this event. Thank you both for your input!