thank you a lot for your detailed answer! It helps me a lot, i will keep this updated as soon as i have noticable progress, I do not mind having 2x the same unit so i'll go for cc'ing both Iris since I'd rather have 2 good gold healers than 1 good gold + 1 silver. for Sophie i'll possibly wait with er. It is fairly sad that i can not use Imelia, i like her because of her skill, she is the only bandit who actually buffs her defense and after her ability she can simply be healed up again. What do you think about Ertel? I CC'd her and i really like the "Block 3 but able to heal too" but it seems that she isn't tanky enough to be used as a 2nd line tank. (I thought i can put her beind a tank for example to stop everything that is not blocked by the tank and if not blocking healing the tank in front of it).