Quote Originally Posted by King Dong View Post
As a f2p player you get 3 gold units Katie, Iris, and Cloris...at what point would you start using gold spirits to level them? Or other units? When you use them should you do 2 fodder 2 spirit, or some other combination?

I'm currently at 50cc60 on Katie and Iris on both my accounts, but I'm unsure about when to start using the spirits just for leveling...I have like 50-60 on each account and no additional gold units to bother using them on. (well second Iris on both accounts but one already has Marr as a third healer, and I AM leveling the second Iris on the other.)

Thanks for your time!
I'd say it really depends on how much leeway you have regarding plat armors and gold fairies. I used to level gold units from 46 to 60 using 6 gold fairies and 2 plat armors, then occasionally leveled units from 46 to 54 with x2 gold fairy x2 bronze unit. you should probably look at using plat armor + gold fairy if you have enough plat armors, otherwise use x2 gold fairy x2 bronze to level from 46 to 60 (or even 40 to 60 if you want to).

edit: I recently just leveled AW bernice from 55 to 64 using x2 gold fairy and x2 bronze because I ran out of plat armors and had plenty of gold fairies.