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  1. #21

    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Hmmm do I awaken bashira,yuyu (who I don't use often) mehlis or get a spica for the CR and since it's 3xexp and awaken just mehlis or yuyu. I have 2 dupes bashira, yuyu and 1 dupe mehlis

  2. #22
    Well, personally I'd suggest trying to CR Spica, and if you want to take advantage of the 3x XP, awaken Bashira and CR her as well with your mentioned dupes. Yuyu is pretty good as a replacement to Calliope, but isn't super needed if you aren't using her much already, and can likely wait (also needs her cost reduced some to make her viable as a low cost witch). Additionally, while gold units do still get the triple XP, it's not nearly as big a boost as it is for the platinum units, so choosing between Mehlis or Bashira I'd go with Bashira, and I'd pick CRing Spica over prioritizing Mehlis and Yuyu. That said, if you can 3* the G map reliably, today it gives 21 DC per run with its 100% drop rate, so if you aren't adverse to spending a few SC, you can likely get another 100 before the day is done (assuming at least 16 max stamina, you can get 42 DC per SC, not counting potential need to refill charisma, but you get more than twice the needed charisma in the time it takes to regen the stamina naturally).

  3. #23

    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    All these people who are crazed about the whole Spica CRing yet i have never been in a situation where she would have made a difference at less cost.

  4. Quote Originally Posted by Tenhou View Post
    All these people who are crazed about the whole Spica CRing yet i have never been in a situation where she would have made a difference at less cost.
    Probably because she is one of the few units that is insanely easy to CR, just slap two copies onto her and usually the second one can get her to that golden dream.

    But yeah, CRing her isn't that much of a big deal enough that it needs the next best thing to a religion on the subject. The only reason why it'd be necessary is if you're dealing with a map where the unit point pool is strained to the point where every unit placed matters *coughDangerintheOasiscough*. But that is never really a problem since UP generators like Katie and the whole band of soldier units with Call Reinforcements exist, and they're usually the first units placed.

    Not to mention if some people got lucky with premium rolls at the start and got units up in the black/plat rarity that are decent or supremely efficient for their cost, they usually carry maps at the start and usually let you get away with placing units with high costs.

    Why no, I'm NOT jealous of you people who got blacks in their first set of rolls early on. Considering I came in before the black rarity tier got flooded with the all-star units, I probably deserve it. Least I got Olivie later on who never failed her skill lv ups.

    *~The Great Aigis Wishlist~*

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Tenhou View Post
    All these people who are crazed about the whole Spica CRing yet i have never been in a situation where she would have made a difference at less cost.
    when every unit you have is CR'd, it builds up.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Tenhou View Post
    All these people who are crazed about the whole Spica CRing yet i have never been in a situation where she would have made a difference at less cost.
    I wouldn't say it is super necessary to do, but it is worth the DC in my opinion. Also, I have a friend for whom CRing her made the difference between failing and 3*ing a map at one point. Mostly I recommend putting forth the effort now if there aren't more urgent uses for DCs as it doubles as a nice boost of extra experience presently (more than a platinum armour), and the lower cost is always nice to have. Admittedly I min-costed my Spica before Awakening was a thing, so I never needed to deal with making the call between CRing her or Awakening other units.

  7. #27

    Join Date
    Jun 2015
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    Having a 12 cost Spica has made all the difference in the world for me more times than I can count, but maybe that's because I don't roll the premium gatcha.

  8. #28

    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    yeah only reason im considering spica is purely cause its 3x exp atm

  9. #29
    This has been an eventful week for me.

    Got the extra barracks, first Spica, second Spica (for guaranteed CR), 600 gold summons got me 13 silvers (including the archers for CCing) and a gold (dupe Julian), spent the rest of my SCs for Crystal Keeper H, spent the 600 DCs for 3 more Spicas for full CR (it took that many )

    Now I have virtually no SCs or DCs but I am happy got next months special card and of course various other junk.

    Not bad for a free player and "no event".

  10. #30

    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    just so you know spica doesnt gain 3xp which i think is rather stupid shes not premium but she is vastly better then a event

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